Clearing House Apothekers

CHA is based in The Hague with a staff of approximately 25. CHA provides an efficient claims process for pharmacists. A smooth-running claims process ensures timely payment and helps reduce the administrative burden in the practice. They offer support through two different processes, making handling claiming even easier and providing maximum administrative support. A smooth-running claims process ensures timely payment and helps reduce the administrative burden in the practice.

As an administrative partner, Clearing House Apothekers (CHA) ensures that valuable time can be spent where it’s needed. That way, the patient receives the best possible care from their pharmacist. CHA believes that everyone is entitled to the best care.

To provide maximum support to pharmacists, CHA will work with Infomedics starting in 2021. This collaboration enables them to continue to fully support pharmacists in administrative processes. In this way, they jointly reduce the administrative burden, leaving precious time available for when it’s most needed. So that pharmacists can give patients the best possible care!

Read more on the website of Clearing House Apothekers